Our Spring

The world is changing, the Earth is turning and the stars keep seeming to move in their beautiful patterns. Under these suns, the citizens of Earth are scrambling around, trying not to talk about the Falling Sky. Disconnected, isolated and pitted against ‘Them’, modern society is a farce and a paradox. As the eye of Big Brother watches from above, on the streets, we feel the buzz. The futility of the wars. The corruption that goes on and grows on. The police state being politely installed. We are moving further and further from natural patterns, and even our sense of time has been warped and distorted.

These moments are the ones that will be remembered. At such a key time in humanities rise from the soil, it seems as though every choice and decision is key, making visible how each affects the other. The internet helps us see what we are seeking, being able to access and share at an astonishingly constant rate. Society is shifting through what we call the 2.0 range, carving a path towards what will either be an enlightened and conscious society (Society 3.0), or a global slave colony. 


The citizens of the EarthShip are feeling the frustrations of living in a world where they seem to have efficacy but actually are imprisoned by systems and dominant forces that no longer serve us. We watch nature being consumed and converted into consumable products that feed the ego and fill the dumpsites. There seems to be no alternative, besides protesting or complaining. Even working within institutional changework has no effect and does not help ground the world we want. These days of connectivity are mirrored by the separation from power through false authority. And somewhere between these polar aspects, there lives a moment of infinity, where the ends do not oppose each other but flow into each other, complimenting and balancing, for a moment, Everything…

This spring approaches (for us South), and with it, a chance to reclaim our position and continue our evolution as a species without false money and selfish leadership. Technology provides us with an opportunity to create ‘trustless societies’, social media allows Civil Society and Social Justice information to spread around the world in a  few clicks, and the blockchain technology will soon allow us to create secure contracts and transfer value without the permission of a self imposed ‘authority’. 



This spring brings us PermaCredits, the marriage of ‘permaculture’ and ‘cryptocurrencies’, two systems that inherently mirror and contain the natural (abundant) patterns of Nature. While in the background, Etherium‘s development continues, with the promise of DACs (decentralized autonomous corporations) and the possibility of executing alternatives like “Liquid Democracy“. This spring also brings us the Peoples Climate March with this invitation and this one too. People moved to action, to physically demonstrate and hold our governance and public service institutions accountable. 


permacredits peopelsclimatemarchbanner

Both these events pin themselves around the Equinox day September 21, also the UN Day of Peace. Both events show us real and tangible new forms of technology and mobilization that gives us a glimpse of the NU world and the path we must take to navigate there. The Equinox is the day that, no matter where on the Earth we are, the sun rises due East, and sets due West. Its is a moment in time to re-calibrate, to acknowledge our current circumstance with respect to our roots, and to sense where this EarthShip is heading, and to pre-sense what tools we can use and how we could agree to work with each other, in order to ensure that the NU world is birthed as our gift to our children. 

This Spring, could be Our Spring. The start of a fresh cycle of growth and abundance, the journey from the underworld of winter, into the NU. Our story as citizens of this fine Durban is intimately connected to the story of the world at large, and this September, we have many reasons and opportunities to reclaim our power and denounce false solutions and claims to authority. This spring is our chance to spring into action, to get involved in manifesting our own realities within this framework of sewer lines, power-grids, streets and parks. We must mirror these global movements by self-organising ourselves into actions-based groups and developing technologies and systems to facilitate a citizen-led redesign of our city according to the principles and ethics we deserve and desire. 



Even as the days split equally, we can have the clarity to acknowledge both worlds, and to see our path clearly. To dream and to act. To move to action and remain fixed to the truth. This spring could be Our Spring. It could.

note to self ish


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